I need to see a good movie. One that I haven't seen before. I had an idea a long time ago to visit one of the Landmark Theatres in Chicago. However, that requires an investment of time and effort. Seems like that's in short supply.
In a similar vein, I may have enjoyed the ice-skating event tonight. However it seemed like it'd be cold and I was a bit out of it. On the way home I ran into Anne and Keith. Anne and Dani will be around for spring break, as will I. Possibly others will as well. We will have to do something.
I changed my fiction to Henrik Ibsen's A Doll House. I can finally see whence Elizabeth got her name. It should be (slightly) more cheery than my previous choice of the Death of Ivan Ilych which I am currently abandoning. That book could well have contributed to that Black Thursday I had earlier this quarter. I didn't feel like coming in, but I did, because a day is not the same without seeing all my first year friends. And I started to read DOII, but II had died and his friends didn't care. They thought about their obligations and what they would have to do. I mean the death seemed to be beginning to have its effect at the point I got to, but the (realistic) phase where it wasn't quite real yet, was depressing. Anyways, I'm sure if I continued in DOII, it at least wouldn't continue to be depressing for that reason. Tolstoy always seems to convey a realistic human feeling... On a similar weird/related note, for some weird reason, I find the "On Star" radio commercials moving...
Oh, and I should probably ramble about math for a bit. I am supposed to be doing that 16 hours a day. It's boring. I do it all the time, and I get only a bit of it ever written up, and so on and so on. I always feel weird writing these things, because people will read them, and it seems like my entries seem depressing, but it's just a perpetual state of ennui.
One thing however which is nice, and happy and so on is my friends. Yay. We've celebrated two birthdays (each twice :)) in the past two weeks... The most memorable part about the dinner sunday aside from overdoing it with the green habanero sauce, was a weird conversation about porn. And Deepam &c. picked on me a bit. That was less pleasant. But I had a good time I guess. I liked the Georgian food better than the Mexican, but such is the state of things. This is probably unintelligible to most people (i.e. those who weren't there)...
Mike was/is considering another place. And that gives me occassion to think of the program if it were less social. I don't think it'd be bearable ...
Anyways, the cycle goes on, the phoenix dies and rises alive again to live another 500 years...